Tuesday, April 2, 2013

I'm baaaaaaaackkkkkkkk!!!!!

I just spent the last 30 minutes reading blogs of the people I love dearly and realized I need to go take a shower so that I can go to work.  I also realized I miss reading everyone's blogs, and I also miss blogging myself.  I have decided I am going to start again...why not?

So, this blog will be what it should: my (our) life in bits and pieces, my thoughts, and hopefully some inspiration/testimonies/thoughts on what God is doing in my heart, my home, and my life.  I've retitled my blog to reflect the "season" I'm in (and by season, I don't mean a few months), as perfectly phrased by Hillsong United (and as I attempted to portray visually in my latest tattoo): "Your grace abounds in deepest waters."  As I learn about His grace, which I can't imagine I'll ever fully grasp in this life, I'll share. 

I'm so happy to be back in this circle, and I look forward to reconnecting with you, my dearest friends, through blogging!